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Hometown Steinbeck Country: Gabilan Corner Banks

On the corner of Main Street and Gabilan Street in Salinas, stand three historic buildings which all were homes to banks. Together, these financial institutions played an important role in Salinas life and business. Music courtesy by

Hometown Steinbeck Country: The Monarch Grove

Venturing out into Steinbeck Country, you can see wonders like nowhere else in the world. One of the most beautiful places to visit is the Monarch Grove in Pacific Grove, CA. National Steinbeck Center Archivist, Lisa, tells us a little bit about this beautiful place in the heart of Pacific Grove.

Hometown Steinbeck Country: 100 Block of Main Street

This installment of the series, “Hometown Steinbeck Country,” explores the neighborhood right outside of the National Steinbeck Center. The 100 Block of Main Street is home to several buildings from the late 1800s and early 1900s that would have been familiar to young John Steinbeck.

Hometown Steinbeck Country: The Great Tidepool

Exploring one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in all of California, this video presents the Great Tidepool near Pacific Grove. This was a key site in marine biologist Ed Ricketts’ growing understanding of ecology and the web of relationships between marine invertebrates. Enjoy the stunning views and the dramatic, crashing waves!

Hometown Steinbeck Country: First Mayor’s House

Diving into the oldest residence in Salinas, this episode of “Hometown Steinbeck Country” is a partnership with the Board and volunteers at the Isaac J. Harvey House in Salinas.Featuring Mary Randall, Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the First Mayor’s House and Docent.

Hometown Steinbeck Country: Garden of Memories

In December 1968, John Steinbeck told his wife, Elaine, that he couldn’t stand to be buried in “foreign soil.” In this video, we explore the Garden of Memories Cemetery, which is where John Steinbeck’s remains were interred in early 1969.